Soul Purpose Publishing
Amazon Best Selling Author Program for Multi-Author Book

Divine Rebirth


Are you a coach, healer or service-based entrepreneur?

Have you had a traumatic experience or journey where you had no choice but to Surrender to God that led to a Divine Rebirth?

Have you had a Spiritual Awakening that completely transformed 
your life?

Have you felt the Power of Soul-Alignment in your life and business?

Are you willing to share the story of your journey with an international audience?

Are you ready for the greater exposure of being an international bestselling author?

If you have answered yes to the above, then you are a perfect fit to...  

Increase your visibility, elevate your brand, expand your
income & impact by becoming an International Bestselling Author.

All you need to do is write 2500 to 4000 words sharing the story of your journey
and a bio and allow our team to go to work.

We handle the rest - editing, formatting, cover, publishing on Amazon Kindle and paperback

Together with the other collaborators you promote the book on
social media -- and boom -- you become a best-selling author!

Divine Rebirth will be published in February 2025.

What's in it for you?

🌟You get an Author Page on Amazon
🌟You share your unique story with the world and leave your
🌟You become an international bestselling author (only 1%
     of the population will ever achieve this!)
🌟You elevate your brand as an authority in your niche
🌟You skyrocket your credibility and confidence as you
     demonstrate your expertise and own your story
🌟You raise your prices and get new clients
🌟You radically increase your visibility as you get booked on
    bigger podcasts, stages and summits
🌟You receive an outline and guidance to write a powerful
🌟You enjoy the benefits of having a professional team
     including editors, designers to support you
🌟You leverage the networks of 20+ amazing women
🌟You expand your circle, make more money, get more

Dina, your dedication and commitment to bringing together these inspiring stories have created a literary masterpiece that resonates deeply with readers. Each story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of self-healing. Moreover, your decision to contribute all royalties to charity reflects a commendable commitment to making a positive impact beyond the pages of this book. It is a shining example of how literature can be a force for good in the world. Thank you for being a safe space for each of your authors to be vulnarable, heard and seen!!  

Robyn Eyre-Long 

Dina is a thoughtful publisher who knows the ins and outs of the business. She is also a wonderfully kind and dedicated individual. My experience as a writer contributing to My Mess is My Message II has been very positive. And I would definitely recommend Dina!  

Jennifer Grant

Thanks to Dina I am an international best selling author! What a Wonderful way we were all guided in this collaboration. The guidance she provides helps us to inspire others with our stories of hope! What an honor to have been a part of this project! Thank you Dina Marais!

Darci Alexander

Divine Rebirth

🌟 Guidance on how to write your chapter and bio (Value $300)
    ✨ The clear theme of the book and structured outline we provide makes
         it easy for you to write your 3000 word chapter and bio.

🌟 Editing your chapter (Value $500)
    ✨ Once your chapter and bio are complete, you simply email them to our
         editing team and they take it from there. You will receive feedback
         and a second look at your chapter to make sure it's polished and ready
         to be seen by the world.

🌟 Formatting (Value $500)
     ✨ Allow us to handle all formatting on both the Kindle and paperback 
          editions of the book.

🌟 Cover design (Value $500)
     ✨ We take pride in hiring the best designers for absolutely gorgeous 

🌟 Publish on Amazon (Value $500)
     ✨ Our team takes care of the details on Amazon and informs you of the
           release date so you can be prepared to share it with your audience.

🌟 Marketing team (Value $1500)
     ✨ Our marketing team provides clear instructions on how we create an
           international launch and promotion.

🌟 Private networking group (Value $300)
     ✨ Use this group to ask questions and network and collaborate amongst
          other authors.

🌟 Become an international best-selling author (Priceless)
    ✨ Last but not least, you will become an international bestselling author
         and have the graphics to add to your website and social media


🌟 FAST ACTION BONUS: Save $200 off your first payment when you join
      within 24 hours of our conversation

🌟 PAY IN FULL BONUS: Save $200 when you pay in full.

🌟 FAST ACTION AND PAY IN FULL: Save $400 when you join within 24 hours of our conversation AND pay in full.
🌟 1-on-1 Session with me to brainstorm your story (Value $800)
      ✨ Invaluable clarity on your story & bio
      ✨ Feedback on your first draft before we send it to the editor

🌟 Complimentary Write Your Story Workshop to write your story in 7 days.         (Value $300)
     ✨Dedicate just 1 hour a day over a week and get it done

🌟 Leverage the Book and Offers Workshop  (Value $1000)
      ✨ Exploring the different ways of how to make the most of the book for
           your business

🌟 Speaking at the Divine Rebirth Summit with all the authors
     (Value $1000)
     ✨ Expand your exposure further by being a speaker on this summit
          exclusively for the authors

🌟 Speaker One-Sheet (Value $300)
     ✨ Having your Speaker One-Sheet created for you as a #1Amazon
          Bestselling Author, gives you an easy entry to speaking gigs and

🌟 Soul Purpose Publishing Author Community (Value $1200/year)
    ✨After the book launch and summit, you are part of the ever growing
        Soul Purpose Publishing Author Community where we meet monthly
        to network

     TOTAL VALUE $9300+

This is for you if:

🌟 You have established yourself as an expert in your field
🌟 You are looking for the right opportunity to get published
🌟 You are passionate to create a bigger impact through your message
🌟 You unapologetically own your story, and you are willing to share authentically
      and honestly from your heart, holding nothing back
🌟 You don't have time to write a whole book now
🌟 You are looking for expansion in your life and business
🌟 You love the collective energy of collaboration and you recognise the power of
      co-creating and co-promoting a book with like-minded change-makers
🌟 You want to get a taste of the experience of writing a book and all that's involved
      before creating your solo book
🌟 You are ready to be VISIBLE and open to RECEIVE more clients and money.

This is NOT for you if:

◾️You are worried about money and do not live in a continuous state of abundance. ◾️You feel threatened by successful people doing great things in the world.
◾️You are unwilling to be seen and heard on big platforms.
◾️You are unable or unwilling to meet deadlines.
◾️You do not work well with others.
◾️You do not have anything to sell on the backend of this book.
◾️You need me to share book revenue instead of growing your business. Book
    sales are donated to charity.
◾️You are unwilling to share the book when it is released.
◾️You do not understand how books expand your audience, build your credibility
    and establish your authority.

Note: What you have read here is 100% me, from my heart to yours. No AI was involved in setting up this page. It is my true intention to create heart connections and facilitate heart connections with our Divine Muse/God-in-us.

🌟By making this purchase you agree to the Terms Of Purchase below this payment block.
🌟Payment Plans: Single Payment, 3 Easy Payments or 6 Easy Payments
🌟Save $200 when you pay in full - use the coupon code PAYFULL at the Checkout Page
🌟Save $200 off the first payment when you join within 24 hours after our conversation (ask me for the code)
🌟Save $400 when you pay in full AND join within 24 hours after we spoke (ask me for the code)



Single Payment 

  • 2500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • Name on the Back Cover



Single Payment

  • 3500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on the Back Cover



Single Payment
9 Chapters Available

  • 4000-Word Chapter
  • 200-Word Bio
  • 5 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on FRONT Cover + First in Book



3 Easy Payments 

  • 2500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • Name on the Back Cover



3 EasyPayments

  • 3500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on the Back Cover



3 Easy Payments
9 Chapters Available

  • 4000-Word Chapter
  • 200-Word Bio
  • 5 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on FRONT Cover + First in Book



6 Easy Payments 

  • 2500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • Name on the Back Cover



6 EasyPayments

  • 3500-Word Chapter
  • 150-Word Bio
  • 3 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on the Back Cover



6 Easy Payments
9 Chapters Available

  • 4000-Word Chapter
  • 200-Word Bio
  • 5 Links + Photo
  • PDF of Chapter
  • Name on FRONT Cover + First in Book

Amazon Multi-Author Bestseller Program Terms of Purchase

Please read these terms carefully as they are a binding legal contract, and we suggest downloading a copy for your records.

You are purchasing 1 chapter in the multi-author book, which includes editing, proofreading, formatting, full professional design, bestseller rank on Amazon, and rights to distribute your chapter as you choose.  

You are purchasing this in your business capacity and guaranteeing the purchase as an individual.  

This Terms of Purchase is the entire agreement between us. This Terms of Purchase supersedes our prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages.

What happens after you pay:  
Our secure payment processor is Stripe. You’ll receive a receipt for your records shortly after purchase. Please allow 24-48 hours for communication from Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching with what we require for your chapter and bio.  

We reserve the right to delay communication if technical difficulties arise.  

This service has a no refunds policy. By completing this purchase, I acknowledge and agree not to initiate a chargeback. If I initiate a chargeback I will be charged an additional fee of $300 USD. I agree that failure to complete my chapter in time does not warrant a refund.  

Payment Schedule:  
All book payments are made in full at the start of the project.   I agree that I will provide necessary information for my chapter and bio to Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching with the execution of this agreement for the multi-author book to be released, crediting me as a co-author.  I agree to send my completed chapter and bio to Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching by the date specified in the private Facebook group.

I understand that failure to send my chapter and bio by the date specified in the private Facebook group will result in my chapter no longer being included in the multi-author book and no refund will be given.  

I am granting to Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching along with their partners and co-authors the non-exclusive rights to print, publish, distribute and sell my chapter as a part of the book throughout the world in all languages.  

I am granting Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching, their partners and co-authors the right to use my name, likeness, biographical information, and full and/or excerpt of my chapter with full attribution to me only in the promotion of the book in both digital and printed format.  

I understand that the kindle and print version of the book sold through Amazon containing my chapter is for Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching only and that all profit will go to a charity of Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching’s choice.  

I understand I will receive no royalties from the sales of the kindle or print version of the book sold on Amazon.  

I understand I cannot make changes to the cover, the manuscript, book description or the price.  

I understand I can only publish and sell on the platform that Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching have given me permission to publish on.  I understand that Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching are not making any guarantees as to how many books will be sold, but only that the book will rank on at least one Amazon Bestseller list within 30 days of release.  

I understand that I am joining this program with the intention of selling services and products and not for making money from book sales.  

I understand that there is no guarantee for how long the book will rank as a bestseller, but I will receive screenshots and graphics for my marketing purposes.  

I understand I will be asked to participate in the promotion of the book when it is released on Amazon.  

I understand that Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching will secure copyright for the book, including my chapter, however I shall retain the right to republish my work in any manner and Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching agree this shall not be deemed an infringement on the copyright.  

I understand that Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching is publishing my chapter with the understanding that it is my own original work and that it is my own responsibility to ensure my work is original and not infringing on others’ copyrights.  I understand that Dina Marais and Soul Purpose Publishing & Coaching will not be held responsible for any copyright violations resulting from my chapter being published.  

I understand that no paperback copies are included in the program but can be purchased from Amazon at the wholesale price.

I understand that I may create a Workbook for my chapter. I understand that the Workbook is to be published by Soul Purpose Publishing and Coaching. I understand that the Workbook will be uploaded under my Author Profile on Amazon and that I will receive the royalties for it. I understand that I will be able to choose the cover design that I prefer as offered by Soul Purpose Publishing and Coaching, and that the cover design will incorporate both the design of the book, as well as the essence of my workbook. I understand that the investment for producing the Workbook, is additional to the investment for contributing a chapter to the book.

I have read the terms of purchase & by making a payment I agree to the terms of purchase.