Soul Purpose
Publishing & Coaching


                                       Join a Multi-Author Book
🌟Divine Rebirth - Stories of Spiritual Awakenings, Surrender and
     Soul Alignment
🌟Miracles Are Normal - 88 Stories of Divine Interventions and
    Magical Manifestations

                                          Publishing Services
🌟Every solo book author has their own unique set of needs
🌟I provide a custom package to satisfy your specific needs
🌟We start working together no matter where you are in the

              Propel Your Purpose Solo Author Group Program
🌟Write your book
🌟Publish your book and become a Bestselling Author
🌟Create your course/program for your book

                                 Create your Partnership Book
🌟You have a huge audience and client base
🌟We collaborate where you sell the chapters to your clients and I
     produce and publish your book

                      Quantum Alignment 1:1 Coaching Program
🌟Manifest your True Self, Dream Goals, Find your Unique Path
🌟Combination of Neuro-Semantics, Quantum Physics and
    Quantum Human Design
🌟3-Month Program