Therese Skelly

5 Steps to Soulful Growth 2 part masterclass and coaching (value $350)

Join Therese for 2 live calls in October where you'll learn the 5 steps to soulfully grow your business. The first call is mainly teaching the concepts, but the second call will be to get you coached, cleared, and have your questions answered!

Rozlyn Warren

Cracking The Chrysalis™ Come Into Full Alignment With Yourself And Your Business (Value $997)

It is possible to deeply connect with your Soul and create a thriving business with the guidance and support of your intuition. It isn't hard, but it does take training and practice with someone who has been where you are and is now where you want to be. I am inviting you to step up and be the magnificent creature you are created to be so you can create the business you truly desire.

Kathy Murphy

Pathfinder Power Up (Value $150)

Unearth Your Purpose, Pave Your Path, Propel Your Business!" On a one hour call we will lay out a clear path to propel you to a new level of aligned success.

Cathy Spaas

Exclusive Inspiration Session (Value $200)

Exclusively for this summit, Cathy has opened her calendar for a personal inspiration session. Do you experience impost syndrome and feel like thriving in the spotlight? Let's chat!

Plus 2 Live Q&A Sessions on Wednesday 4 October to Meet the Authors

Abigail Mensah-Bonsu

The Light Prescription (Value $125)

Imagine receiving a personalized light language prescription, tailored specifically to help you navigate and overcome your challenges with grace and ease. It's like a divine connection to your higher self and a supportive team that guides you through your journey to healing and liberation.

Souli Yates 

VIP Golden Package (Value $300)

This package contains the ways to manage your ascension + 3 beautiful & powerful Channeled meditations to assist you on your awakening path.

Michele Parad

My Launch Playbook (Value $100)

An essential guide to sell-out launches - grow your mission-driven business with confidence and grace

Nilzara Rivera

$100 Cookie Cash

$100 off any service.

Melisa Keenan

Disruptors Author Brainstorm Session (value $250)

On this 25-minute call, you will get one-on-one time with Melisa to lay out your desired outcome for becoming a published author and map out what course will light you up to perfectly lead you to your desired outcome.

Brandy Knight

Karma Number Placement Tantric Numerology Virtual Reading (value $200)

The Karma Number Placement is one of 10 number placements in a Tantric Numerology Birth Chart Reading. Understanding our unique karmic lineage can be vital to our success in a lifetime! We will meet via Zoom for 30 minutes to dive into your unique Karma Number Placement.

Di Challenor

Tarot Card reading 1-hour session (value $250)

10 Card Tarot reading for 1 hour with channeled guidance to give you clarity.

Heather McCormick Rimey 

$500 off Sourced with Heather Renea

Sourced with Heather Renea is a four month mentorship program designed to assist you in living your lit up life to the next degree.

Allegra Lite

Influence Your English ~ Masterclass (Value $200)

A highly transformative experience created to change lives on a global scale.

Lisa Blair

One month of membership into the Freedom Era Online Academy (Value $99) 

Enjoy a month inside The Freedom Era platform!! This inspiring educational business and mindset hub literally shows you step-by-step how to create a thriving multi-figure business online like I have - using high-level education ranging from fundamental courses, mentorships, high-end consultant masterclasses, and whole-day masterminds.

Georgina El Morshdy

£100 off a Know Your Truth private session

KNOW YOUR TRUTH sessions guide you to explore the thoughts, feelings, images, and visions within -- so you can extract your unique blend of “Individual Wisdom” and get clear on your next move, decision, or soul assignment.

Femke Mortimore

$100 Off The Quantum Leap Coach System

Enhance your coaching skills with the Quantum Leap Coach System

Loria Raiola-Trapp

The Five Tibetan Rites- Journey To Empowerment (value $200)

Angel Yogi Loria Ra guides you through The Five Tibetan Rites, to reduce the aging process and bring vitality, strength & flexibility into the body. Adapted for all fitness levels.

Dina Marais

$100 Off Any Book Publishing Service

Whether you are creating your solo book, or want to join any of my multi-author books, My Mess Is My Message II, or I'm so glad you left me, you can claim a $100 saving.